26 Mar

Will you loose your Google Ranking on April 21 2015?

conformité google mobile friendly au 21 avril classement google

Will you be one of those who will lose their ranking (pagerank) and all your SEO efforts put into your website next 21 April 2015?

That is what is likely to happen to all the websites that will not be “mobile friendly”, as stated by GOOGLE. Your site must on that date have specific criteria in order to pass this test.

All non-compliant sites will lose their Google ranking in favor of Sites “responsive” or “mobile friendly”. The loss of ranking is not explained in detail because Google loves always keep a gray area in almost everything related to the management of internet sites and for the webmasters.

Certainly, the path is drawn, and those who will not comply will pay the price, which ended with the fall of audience and at the same time : Sales.


Verification tool

You can check the compliance of your site to the notion of “mobile-friendly” using the : COMPATIBILITY TEST MOBILE FRIENDLY

If your site does not pass the test, make sure to make the changes before the famous April 21st! It must be considered to pass the test:

– The content must adapt to the medium if not, the site must have a mobile version

– The size of the text and the font chosen must be sufficiently readable

– Flash animations are not compatible with mobile

– The call to action buttons must be are easily clickable and not too close to each other



Our technicians can help you solve what we call “The bug of 2015″ because it is difficult to predict whether this will be a hard line applied by Google or a slap on the wrist for those who are slow to join the gang in the race for speed and adaptability on Google.

We can give you a free quote on your site and make it conform before the fateful date of 21 April.

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