19 Mar


free web seo tool

Internet Cloud Canada offers a free tool to check the quality of the SEO of your website. This tool is available online on our website : FREE WEBSITE SEO CHECKER (Click).

Recently we published a post on  web ranking in which we mentioned that there are over 100 different factors influencing a website in search engines.

Our free web SEO tool has the advantage of giving you almost 20 essential criteria to begin a good job of SEO. Needless to say, better than these criteria are met, the better your score and the better is the overall ranking.

Some criteria, however, remain linked to time. Time is always an important aspect of SEO. The longer your website has a domain name that was registered long ago, the more advantage you have. Register your domain name for several years in advance and you will also get some benefit.

Other tips to avoid being penalized:

– Do not post too many links at once

– Do not link back all your links to your main page only

– Add rich content (photos, videos, texts)

– Do not copy (even partially) the text or code from another website

We are proud to put this tool at your disposal. We are constantly looking to increase the level of service to our customers. We believe that this tool will be favorable!

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