07 Apr

67% of Abandoned Cart on E-Commerce Websites

67% abandoned cart on ecommerce websites

You do not have a good conversion rate on visits/sells?

Whether or not you have a statistical tool to evaluate the losses in your online business, there’s more than 67% of visitors who leaves items in their shopping cart, without continuing the checkout process.

What causes this? Obviously, they are multiple reasons 

67% of Abandoned Cart on E-Commerce Websites


You must ask yourself : Is the current website adequately serves customers that we receive online? Is it possible to improve the user experience for a better marketing approach?

Most of the time when sales do not reflect our goals, but we have an excellent ratio of visitors, the answer is: YES.

We will not repeat the aspects we have previously described in our latest articles to have an inviting website, rather we will in this article, see how to lower the dropout rate of the basket before payment.


The main causes of abandoned cart (not in order of importance):

1. The client can not get a clear idea of ​​the final price and adds products to have the information.

2. The price with taxes and / or with the shipping costs are too high after revision.

3. The customer does not want to share his personal details or e-mail address, before proceeding to payment.

4. The delivery option does not please the client, and this information is not available before putting cart items into it.

5. the customer has no “wishlist” option, so it adds items to cart, then the price at checkout  (even if it is not the real one), is too high.

6. The customer will be redirected for payment on an external platform.

7. Loss of confidence versus the merchant along the way. Broken links, missing images, error of the platform, absent purchasing policies.

8. Refusal of the credit card at checkout.

9. Confusion or too difficult checkout process.

10. The customer wants to wait to have a better “deal”.

11. The process is too long.

12. The prices are presented in a currency other than the one of the customer.

13. The customer sees an option for a ‘Discount coupon’, but do not have one. He knows he can save but not this time.

14. The customer made the tour of the website, navigate or he is testing the website.

15. There are not enough payment options.


How to reduce cart abandonment rate?

You have to understand the main reasons and correct the website. Simplifying the payment process, showing the actual price and payment/delivery options is the first step. This step is the “Transparency” to offer to the customer. Also make sure you declare the purchase conditions, return policy or the privacy policy.

Then, make sure that the website complies with standards or have certifications or security seals. Customer confidence in buying relies heavily on protection of his confidential details.

If you adopt the school of thought that the customer must register before making a purchase, use a tool to make a recovery of the cart process. So send emails to encourage visitors to come back to you by offering a discount or benefit, if this settles with your vision.

Finally revise the website and your products or services. Images are sufficiently present, relevant and complete information? The website works properly on all devices?  Is there a problem with the payment option?

Dropouts are an important aspect of a successful e-commerce site. Ideally, you should know your dropout rates and take actions now, follow the advices of your web developer for a better future success.

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24 Mar

Increase Sales on your Website easily

increase sales on your website easily

Marketing techniques on the Web are as important as actual shops or stores. Online shoppers (your future customers) are watching you. They react either positively or negatively to your website, presentation, content, and depending on your area of ​​expertise, your products and services.

Some key aspects, give them a good feeling or not to buy on your website. However, there are bases for ensuring a minimum sales vs minimal effort.

This is exactly what we will address in this article: The basics for a good web marketing plan!


The domain name

You need a clear and representative domain name. A domain such as: http://adsl-3.myproduct-forsale.com hardly gives a good feeling for your business. This seems to be a scam from the start. Use a clear name, simple and gives a sense of stability vs the brand or the product itself. A name like: http://www.adslrouter.com will bring more confidence to your visitor.


Site Content

If your website is an eternal “advertising” which runs from top to bottom with dozens of testimonials, headlines, ridiculous pictures, percentages etc., it still looks like a scam!

People are not fools. These marketing techniques are outdated and if they worked before (which I doubt), it contributes to a poor opinion of your company or your products and services.

The content of a website must be clear. Navigation tabs , a website that express a philosophy, Who is the company and who are the employees, products and services, testimonials, contact form etc. These traditional aspects are the base of a good way to take.


What the customer wants?

The customer wants to make his own idea, his own decision of your business. He do not want be engaged in a scam nor being pushed. The customer wants to convinces himself by the appreciation of your website and what he sees.

This is the basic respect that shop owners should have with their clients. This respect will produce an increase in sales if the customer do not feel being part of a marketing trap.



Do not neglect good marketing, presenting its brand. products and services. Don’t put only the emphasis on the product or service. The opinion of the customer is what makes the sale.


Criterias and Opinion

The criterias of the customer’s opinion are its own :

– Since when the company operates?

– Does the website seem up to date? (Copyright date on footer, blog updated, accurate and current information on pricing, all page links are working, etc.)

– Can I easily reach officials by email (how quickly to access this option, response time on your side.)

– The product or service is presented with the good images, description, data sheet etc.

– The payment options are clear.

– The site is safe and uses current processes (security certificate, return policies, mission, privacy policy, language policy, etc.)

– The quality of the language on the site. If a site has too many typing errors, appears to be a copy-paste of a translation, it is a sign that the site owner do not put efforts. But this lack of effort can be felt that the customer will also be less well served.

– The site does not fit all screens. 80% of people consult the Internet via a tablet or mobile phone. If you do not have a responsive website then you failed at the basis.

We could go on and on about the factors that shape the opinion of your potential customer, but these are the most important.


How to succeed on the Internet?

All you need is professionals who have experience and who have contributed to the success of dozens of other clients. Professionals such as Internet Cloud Canada employees who spare no efforts to make sure you reach your goals.

Each case is unique. Marketing is a universe of factors related to geography, demography, age, gender, purchasing power, habits, principles.

We can help you increase your sales but the content of this article is your basic orientation. Call us if needed!

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17 Mar

Instant E-Commerce Website

Instant E-Commerce Website

Instant E-Commerce!

Internet Cloud Canada will soon launch a new service: An instant e-commerce. Our programmers and technicians are currently developing an all-inclusive solution, where a customer can create its online store and deploy the website in minutes.

We believe that this new service will meet specific needs, for beginning entrepreneurs. Nothing better than to do a test and see the reaction of the public about its products and services before committing large amounts of money in web development.

You will be able to upload your logo, create your products and use Paypal as transactional tool. Obviously, if you want to go forward with a personalized concept, our programmers can assist you for any specific needs.

You will also have an option to purchase your own SSL certificate, use your own “payment gateway” even translate into several languages ​​your store.

Simple to use, like a Content Management System, your instant shop offers all the usual options in a simple Control Panel.


An online shop project?

You consider creating an online store soon? You want to avoid bad practices and learn new marketing tricks? Subscribe to our mailing list. We will then send you the information needed to build a professional online business with a few advices.

Watch for the next release of this new service!

Internet Cloud Canada

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