15 Dec

IP addresses list of hackers or malicious individuals

IP addresses list of hackers or malicious individuals

When it comes to cybercrime, you need to evaluate risks, establish strategies and implement solutions to stop hackers or intruders who seeks to destroy either your reputation or your systems.

1st step

You need both the right tools and knowledge or do business with a hosting company who has these qualities to identify and track down cybercriminals.

Step 2

Block access of these individuals on your website. A good way to do this is to use .htaccess files, Web Application Firewall or tools against multiple authentication ( brute force )attacks like Fail2ban.

3rd step

File a complaint to the authority concerned. Most of the time the ISP provides an email address for cases of abuse. In last resort, after having the necessary evidence, speak directly to the police station in your neighborhood.


Updated list of IP addresses of malicious people

Internet Cloud Canada will create soon a section displaying the IP addresses of persons who abuse networks. In partnership with several network administrators, this list will be published on our website and enable you to act preventively against these individuals trying to break into your websites or abusing the network.

All of our customers are already protected and the list of IP addresses is immediately updated for them without having to do anything. It is our commitment to offer a healthy network with real statistics and maximum availability of your website here.

We also recommend to read our article of April 2015 by following this link. We show how to block users of the Tor network (Dark / Deep Web), who is recognized as people hiding themselves behind it to carry out their criminal actions.


November 2015 list

Until our section on Network Security is completed, here is the updated list for the month of November 2015. You can download the list here. The list is in the form of an .htaccess file. Simply edit the necessary parts for you.

Here is the list as presented in the file:

<Limit GET POST>

 order allow,deny
 allow from all
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
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 deny from
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 deny from
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 deny from
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 deny from
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 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from
 deny from


All these IP addresses have done illegal actions on the networks lately. We advise you to block them immediately on your website.

Keep checking our website to discover our future section as well as updates to the list of IP addresses to ban.


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14 Dec

Police : No warrant needed to search cell phone

Police: No warrant needed to search a cell phone

If you do not know, for over a year, the Supreme Court issued a judgment entitling police to conduct a search of an inmate’s cell if the latter is incidental to the arrest and the officer reported his search in his notes accurately.

Almost a year later (November 2015), it is the Supreme Court of the United States who received a request from a defendant who claimed to have been injured in his rights when the police asked his cell phone provider, his location at specific times. He asked the court to rule that his right to privacy had been bullied.

The information on his location have established that it was on the premises at many crimes for which he received a sentence of 162 years in prison. The court simply rejected to rule on the merits that the police have a warrant or not, leaving the police a path to do their job.

Police 2.0.

With the resurgence of acts of terrorism, indoctrination via social network to radicalization and also the many crimes committed with cell (filming an attack, for example), it is comforting that the police is free to run properly their investigations to protect society.

Certainly all this technology is a real headache for lawyers and defenders of privacy but when a search is on the offense or used to provide physical evidence in an investigation, it must serve society and not criminals.

Cellular service providers are receiving more and more requests from various actors of justice. They can transmit the precise location, sent and received text messages, identify incoming / outgoing calls. All this  to help solving crimes.

Maybe this will only tell criminals to perpetrate their crimes without their favorite mobile device but in any case you are stopped while driving a cell phone in your hands or another crime, know that the police have the right to search your mobile device, for a more secure society!


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13 Dec

Internet Cloud Canada offers a free WAF !

Web Application Firewall WAF

Internet Cloud Canada offers a free WAF (Web Application Firewall) to all its customers. In which case you would not know what a WAF is :

A WAF is a firewall web application, which allows you to protect your applications against the most prevalent malicious codes that may affect availability, compromising safety or consume excessive resources of your application.

Most web hosting companies offer this as an optional service or not at all. Then you must turn to external solutions either for annual service or an on demand one requiring a few hundreds of dollars for a protection that seems basic.


Customized security rules

We have set up global rules that should satisfy all our customers, but we offer the opportunity to install your own security rules too! So you do not have to rack your brains, our technicians install the Web Application Firewall for you.

Enjoy your free WAF by subscribing to a web hosting plan with us!

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